Insurance & Self-Insurance

Insurance and self-insurance pools face unique challenges, including: 

Uncertainty of claims amounts and timing 
Premium cycles that require attentive cash management 
Cyclical swings in reinsurance availability and costs 
Strong price competition 
Coordination among internal management and outside actuaries, auditors, state regulators, and rating agencies 
Requirement for capital preservation during periods of market volatility 
Desire to simplify the investment process and minimize administrative overhead 
With these objectives and challenges in mind, we help insurance and self-insurance clients manage diversified portfolios that are tailored to their individual requirements.

Investment strategies may include a combination of our managed portfolio solutions — from cash management and tailored fixed income portfolios to multi-asset class management approaches (which can include fixed income, equity, global, and alternative investments). 


Why work with PFMAM?

We have more than 40 years of experience serving the public sector. We combine national perspective with local connection to build tailored, flexible investment solutions across fixed income and multi-asset class strategies. Our focus is on liquidity management, investment-grade fixed income, and OCIO solutions. We look forward to working with you to develop custom solutions to your specific needs.
